From: Alison Thorpe

All morning I have been struggling to know what to say, but since I am still at a loss for words I will just say that you are a clear credit to what a loving, disciplined, and compassionate person she was. I have you in my heart and pray for your comfort and for the comfort of your children in losing such a wonderful Grandmother.

From: Bill Bone


I have always had great respect for your Mother starting over 30 years ago in Atlanta. And she reared some "super" intelligent children, one of whom made me look great in my career because he taught Kevin a tremendous amount and he helped me so much in reaching my goals......

He was the ONLY person I ever felt totally "comfortable" with "KIKO" ing my customer's data bases, and completing any project for me in a "superior" manner. I have told many people that I could talk to you while you were on a customer site about a new System I needed, and given a few days, when you returned from a customer site, you would have the basic operational version.

My best to you in your FUTURE. My children have notified me and they have expressed their sorrow for her passing and their happiness for her "hereafter".


From: Dru Tidwell


I am so sorry to hear about your Mom.s passing. Amy told me after she got off the phone with you. I was immediately saddened so deeply for your loss, and everyone.s loss who knew her. I am sorry I was unable to attend the funeral service. The weather and a last minute doctor.s appointment prevented me from travel.

But I have been thinking of your Mom. She was so easy to talk to, and feel her warmth, intelligence, and sense of humor. I always felt .at home. with your Mom.

I loved that time you invited me to your Mom.s house.

It was a .hot as hell. July 24th. You had relatives visiting, and we celebrated the Holiday Brazilian style with some of the best food and drink I have ever had. We took turns on the hammock. We chatted and ate and drank. The house was filled with your Mom.s love and her joyful spirit. Everyone was having a great time. And really none of us wanted to say goodbye.

Time was suspended on that Hot July day. It was magical with music, an abundance of food, and much story telling. Her yard was filled with all kinds of beautiful greenery, and the grandkids were having a wonderful time at their Grandma.s. I also remember a time at your house when your Mom was preparing a meal.

She called John to tell him to hurry over so that she could cook for him. I admired the way she extended herself so easily, with such kindness and grace. She was eager to share the meal with John and you, and me!

She was very happy in loving her family. And she made me feel a part of your family too. I only have kind thoughts of your Mom. I think the last time I saw your Mom she was so happy for you and Ira. She embraced Ira and Sash so readily. She is someone who deeply understands that there is an abundance of love and life to enjoy, and it will be your gift for the rest of your days.


From: Maria Cec¡lia

Your mom, my sister.

Querido Marcos,

É com imensa tristeza que recebo a notícia da morte da Myriam. Há muito não nos comunicávamos e eu não suspeitava de seu grave estado de saúde. Na última vez que ela respondeu meus emails ela me contou que estava doente, mas, corajosa como sempre, disse que estava tudo bem. Depois, não me respondeu mais, talvez não querendo me contar a verdade (?).

Sinto sempre enorme falta dela, do amor e companheirismo que desenvolvemos naqueles meses que passei com ela. Essa falta agora se concretizou, sem a esperança, sempre guardada, de poder revê-la.

Aprendi muito com ela, em termos humanos, o que realmente importa. Também sou-lhe muito grata pela experiência que tive aí, pela amizade e pelo convívio de que pude desfrutar , por pura generosidade dela.

Vou tê-la sempre no meu coração e nas minhas orações.

Um abraço carinhoso para você, John, Paulo e toda família.

Dê-me notícias de vocês.


From: Emeli Marcondes


I was thinking about how often we say how hard is to say something when we lose someone that we love so much and then I stopped and thought that it should be the other way is very easy to say and remember tons of things of a great person like my aunt/adopted_sister/friend 'tia Myriam'.

I had tia Myriam as my mentor and I will admire her forever for all the things she has accomplished, for the way she thought so many people to grow in different ways, for her kindness and wisdom.

Person like her never departs she will always be in everyone of us who met her in a different ways. I will always remember the good laughs we had together, I will miss our calls and genuine talks. I really feel privileged for having met her one day because I know for sure what I learned from her will stay with me.

I look to you all and admire everyone for all your kindness, intelligence and real people. not taking all your own credit but again, I know she is behind all this...

This morning I was thinking about my own Mom and I missed her so much...her smile and her company and thought how wonderful and pleasant was to be around her. Then, I thought about you all and I decided to write a little bit about my feelings to tia Myriam. The way I see today is that they graduated with 'A' and moved to a next level and we need to respect and admire them again for one more accomplishment.

I want to share something here that happened to me when my Dad went to the other side...tia Myriam called me and told me again exactly what I needed to hear that day to confort me... I was upset because I was not there and she told me 'he is also not there Emeli...he might be very close to you now....he found a way to see you in the US'....this really calmed me down that day and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her words that moment.

How lucky we are for having met them one day and had the privilege of their company and their wisdom. We don't need to say she will be remembered because she will never be forgotten. She will be in our hearts always very close to us. she said...she is here next to everyone of us.

Much love,


From: Jillian

Dear Jim,

Just got the note of your sad news forwarded to me. I'm so very very sorry for your loss. I only met your mother once or twice but she was clearly a very exceptional woman. I remember that lovely time at her house on July 4th a few years ago, she was obviously very happy to be surrounded by her family and friends.

Please know that she and you are in my thoughts and I wish you all the best at this very difficult time.


Jillian xxx

From: John and Judith Oakley

Dear Jim,

We are so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news and Judith and I send you and your family our heartfelt condolences.

I will always remember her with fondness and admiration - and we have been thinking of her often since we heard that she was ill.

I so enjoyed those visits to her home; good food, good company and good conversation. Despite the loss of her passing I know, from knowing you and the members of your family that I have met, her influence lives on.

You will all be in our prayers,

With love,

John and Judith

From: Kevin Bone


My condolonces and heartfelt grief for your (and everyone's) loss. Your mother will always be an icon of love, enthusiasm, and comfort. She is truly unique and amazing. Let me know whether your want flowers (and where) or whether something else would be more appropriate.

Thanks for always being my friend. I hope to always be yours and certainly, to merit her friendship.


From: Laura Crawshaw


I heard of the sad news when I was at Carol's last night. Please accept my condolences and know my thoughts are with you. It was an honor to meet your mother - she was a truly distinguished woman.


From: Selma Khalil Kassouf


Queria te dizer que Tia Myriam sempre será minha eterna ex-futura sogra. Como eu gosto dela!

Ela sempre está conosco em nossas lembranças, em nossos aprendizados.

Não dá pra falar dela no passado.

Senti tanto. Desculpe a ausência por não ter escrito antes, mas não sabia o que escrever e até hoje não sei.

Um grande abraço, com carinho


From: Sheila Martins

Meus Queridos Primos...

Já faz muito, muito tempo que eu venho tentando escrever essa carta pra vocês, mas ela tem sido tão dura pra mim que acabo adiando.

Antes de mais nada quero dizer que apesar da distância e pouco contato, eu amo muito cada um de vocês, pois a final nós somos da família não é mesmo

Falar da Tia Myriam não é difícil e falar da morte perante a um câncer é falar de alívio e saudades.

Quando o Gabriel foi embora, a Tia me ligou e disse que era para eu não me preocupar porque ela já estava indo para tomar conta dele e eu disse a ela vai mesmo Tia, porque ninguém merece passar por essa doença. Nós rimos e eu senti um conforto com as palavra dela.

Só sei dizer que a Tia Myriam foi uma grande mulher, boa com os livros e com as panelas, boa de falar por horas e boa de nos ouvir falar também. Ela sempre soube perceber cada um de nós e sempre nos dar um conselho sábio para a vida, conselho de quem já tinha trilhado muitos caminhos e aprendido muito.

A Tia sempre será muito importante para mim e a sua semente já está plantada na minha vida. Eu tenho certeza que ela está muito bem agora, num lugar sem dor e cheio de paz.

A Tia viveu e venceu a vida com louvor. Ela sempre arranjou um jeito de fazer a vida ficar bonita e de fazer cada um de nós se sentir especial.

Eu não posso dizer sinto muito ou meus pêsames porque mais do que nunca eu sinto que a morte é simplesmente passar para um outro estágio e que a vida dela aqui na terra terminou, mas o nosso relacionamento não...

Queridos Primos....
Nós estaremos sempre por aqui e seremos sempre a família de vocês, com muito carinho.

Um abraço bem forte,

(segue em anexo uma mensagem muito bonita que me fez lembra de vocês)

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